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February 2020

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Advanced Turning Capabilities for Multitask Machines
Robotic Software with Digital Twin Technology to Reduce Commissioning Times
ANCA Launches the Latest Generation of ToolRoom RN34 Software Package
Plugin for the CAD System
The Next Generation of VERICUT - Version 9.0
Comprehensive Turning Software Delivers Enhanced Toolpaths and Techniques
STL Repair and Automatic AM Process Selection
ESPRIT CAM What Can It Do for You
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Real-Time Adaptive Robotic Motion Control and Path Planning Toolkit
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Software Broadens DRO Use to Include EDM Machines
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Additive Repair Automation Software

Optomec, a privately-held global supplier of production-grade additive manufacturing (AM) equipment and software, has integrated its Huffman brand AutoCLAD vision system with its traditional LENS metal 3D printer family. AutoCLAD is a proprietary integrated vision and software system that generates a custom toolpath for each part prior to processing. Originally developed for the Huffman brand, the system has been used in production extensively by major manufacturers and servicers of aircraft engines and industrial gas turbines to restore worn or damaged components. Adding this capability to the LENS brand of solutions will enable customers to use automated directed energy deposition (DED) for the repair of reactive metals like titanium in a controlled, argon atmosphere. It also brings the AutoCLAD technology to hybrid AM, combining AM and machining capabilities in a single system.

AutoCLAD images the part and then automatically adapts and modifies the toolpath and DED parameters for each individual part based on variations in orientation, dimension and shape. It not only adjusts the toolpath for variation, but it also adapts laser power to reduce the heat input into thinner areas, which drastically reduces the heat-affected zone (HAZ) of the finished part. Finally, by fine-tuning the toolpath for the individual part, a smaller overbuild is achieved, which significantly reduces the final machining time after the AM process.

"This latest enhancement combines three important technologies developed by Optomec into a single system. Combining the capabilities of AutoCLAD with Optomec's industry-leading controlled atmosphere technology and hybrid manufacturing solutions enables the processing of reactive metals without oxidation, and allows AM and machining in a single system. No other company has this combination, in fact, no one has software like AutoCLAD," said Mike Dean, Marketing Director at Optomec. "We see this as a big win for customers who want to use DED for the repair of titanium components as well as anyone doing repetitive part repair in industries such as oil and gas, mining and tool and die."

The AutoCLAD system is available immediately as an upgrade for all Optomec LENS systems that use the Siemens 840D controller, which includes the LENS CS 600, CS 800, CS 1500 and MTS 860 machines.

For more information contact:


3911 Singer NE

Albuquerque, NM 87109


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