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Stretch Wrap Solution

Yellow Jacket in use at Bluff Manufacturing

Yellow Jacket Orbital Stretch Wrapper

Logo Wrap

Muller, a manufacturer of equipment and material load containment solutions, offers its patented Logo Wrap solution for use on its Yellow Jacket Orbital Stretch Wrapper.

Previously, Logo Wrap was only available on Muller's Octopus line of high-speed automatic stretch wrappers. Now, the availability to use Logo Wrap on Muller's Yellow Jacket Orbital Stretch Wrapper gives fabricators the opportunity to custom brand pallet loads.

"Whether looking to stand out on store shelves or simply provide more product or handling information, Logo Wrap film is customized to meet any need," said a company spokesperson. "Unlike hand-applied stickers, Logo Wrap film will not degrade or fall off. It is also visible from all sides of the pallet. The film is applied as part of the normal stretch wrapping process. A stretch film itself, Logo Wrap enhances pallet security while simultaneously providing a solution that maintains brand integrity and visibility even in harsh and dusty environments."

The Yellow Jacket is designed to effectively secure complex fabrications, metal parts and loose assemblies on a pallet while simultaneously minimizing the time and labor traditionally required to secure the load to a pallet.

"The Yellow Jacket Orbital Stretch Wrapper is designed to significantly minimize the time it takes to wrap a load by hand," said the spokesperson. "Typically it takes two workers roughly 10 minutes to wrap a similar load by hand. Yellow Jacket can wrap a similar load with one worker in one minute. In addition to reducing the labor required to wrap by at least 50%, Yellow Jacket also eliminates the need for other strapping materials or expensive cartons to secure loads. Yellow Jacket's customers have reported anywhere from $20,000-50,000 dollars saved annually in labor costs alone. Factor in the increase in product integrity, reduction in material use and other hidden costs, and the savings increase. Tightly wrapped to the pallet, the load's ability to shift, fall or slide in transit is nearly impossible."

Yellow Jacket's Orbital Stretch Wrapper is available in manual or semi-automatic. The 87M requires a footprint of only about 8' x 9' and runs on 110VAC, making it easy to install in most plants. It wraps a standard pallet size up to 68" diagonal.

For more information contact:

Muller LCS

3644 W Lake Ave.

Glenview, IL 60026

800-OCTOPUS (628-6787)

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