REGO-FIX's retrofit reCool coolant-through system is designed to be a cost-effective, low-maintenance way to bring internal cooling to the live tooling used in CNC turning operations.
The retrofit reCool coolant-through system from REGO-FIX is designed to be a quick, cost-effective and low-maintenance way to bring the benefits of internal cooling to the live tooling used in CNC turning operations.
"reCool, which converts an existing tooling system to include through-coolant in as little as two minutes, is much more effective in getting coolant to the cutting edge than spray pipes or nozzles," said a company spokesperson. "It achieves standard speeds up to 6,000 RPM and pressures up to 300 PSI. Higher speeds and coolant pressures are available upon request."
"By adding reCool to their CNC turning operations, manufacturers can easily remove heat from the cutting zone and achieve better surface finishes, longer tool life, improved chip control and increased productivity overall," said David McHenry, Senior Product Engineer at REGO-FIX.
"With reCool, live tools featuring external threads (ISO 15488/DIN 6499) can machine faster and last longer," said the spokesperson. "The system also works in conjunction with REGO-FIX collets, sealing and coolant flush disks, milling cutters and drills with diameters from 0.098 inch to 1.2 inches. Furthermore, because of its simple structure and special lubricated bearings, reCool serves as an affordable, low-maintenance internal cooling system."
For more product information, visit us.rego-fix.com/recool.
For more information contact:
Bill Obras, VP Sales & Marketing
David McHenry, Sr. Product Engineer
REGO-FIX Tool Corp.
7752 Moller Rd.
Indianapolis, IN 46268
800-REGO-FIX (800-734-6349)