Keller TKO-6 tramp oil separator in magnetic frame mount.

Coolant quality as a result of the Keller filtration system.

In-sump magnetic separator after one day.

In-sump magnetic separator cleaned.
Gun manufacturers generally deal with significant coolant challenges in their machining operations. "Tramp oil in the coolant results in rapid tool wear, and chip buildup in the sump causes plugging of coolant lines, coolant pump damage and deterioration of the surfaces of the parts being machined," said a Keller Products Inc. spokesperson.
Keller Products has worked with a number of gun manufacturers to resolve these problems. Dealing first with tramp oil, Keller recommends a pump/separator unit, the TKO-6, permanently mounted at each machine tool, rather than a portable unit that would service several machines. "Most gun manufacturers with limited floor space prefer to mount the TKO-6 to the machine tool using the CLO-1 magnetic mount," said the spokesperson. "A TKO separator pumps oily coolant from the surface of the sump, separates the chips and tramp oil and continuously recirculates the cleaned coolant at 180 gallons per hour. The high recirculation rate turns over a sump rapidly, aerating the coolant and ensuring that there are no stagnant areas of the sump in which oil and solids can accumulate. Gun manufacturers have found that the TKO-6 completely resolves the tramp oil problem."
Keller recently introduced several new lines of magnetic separators to deal with the problem of buildup of chips in the coolant. "The in-sump magnetic separators, the latest Keller magnetic separator line, appeared to offer the possibility of reducing or eliminating this long-standing problem," said the spokesperson. "The new in-sump magnets consist of a powerful rare earth magnetic rod attached to a flat circular magnet base, permitting the rod to be mounted either horizontally or vertically in the sump. The magnetic separators may be easily removed for cleaning and quickly re-installed in the sump. By mounting the magnetic separators close to the inlet of the coolant pump, the solids load on the coolant pump can be greatly reduced. Because of the low cost of the magnets, and the fact that they would not in any way interfere with machine operation, many gun manufacturers quickly decide to make trial runs with the new product. The results were far better than expected. Mounted close to the inlet of the coolant pump, the in-sump magnets virtually eliminated chips entering the pump and the coolant lines. The machine operators have no problem with cleaning and re-installing the magnets once per day and are happy to do so, because the magnets almost eliminate the unpopular job of shoveling out the sumps."
For more information contact:
Jonathan Strauss, Sales Manager
Keller Products, Inc.
6 Ledgerock Way, Unit #6
Acton, MA 01720
800-352-8422 / 978-264-1911