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High-Speed Handling Boosts Productivity

Suited for high-speed assembly and handling applications, the GP7, GP8 and GP12 six-axis robots from Yaskawa Motoman are engineered to be fast, compact and efficient.

The GP-series robots offer improved acceleration/deceleration control for all robot positions, resulting in overall improved productivity. The small footprint, slim arm design allows for minimum installation space and minimizes interference with peripheral devices. This enables the GP-series robots to be placed in close proximity to workpieces and other robots to create flexible, high-density layouts. Installation is quick and efficient. A single cable is all that is needed to connect the manipulator to the controller, resulting in easy set-up and reduced expenses for maintenance and spare parts inventory.

The fast and precise GP7 and GP8 robots are suited for high-volume assembly, handling and packaging processes. Axis speeds have been increased by up to 39%, increased maximum reach allows operation in wider work areas and the slim arm design allows these robots to delve deeply into the workspace. Both models feature an IP67 washdown rating with an easy-to-clean surface that can resist dust and coolants, making them suited for use in sanitary or harsh environments. As an option, the manipulator cable can be connected on the bottom of the robot (as opposed to the side) to reduce interference with walls. The GP7 offers a 7 kg payload capacity, 927 mm horizontal reach and 1,693 mm vertical reach. The GP8 offers an 8 kg payload capacity, 727 mm horizontal reach and 1,312 mm vertical reach.

The GP12 robot offers a higher 12-kg payload capacity and its axis speeds have been increased up to 15% for increased productivity. It features a 1,440 mm horizontal reach and 2,511 vertical reach, as well as an IP67-rated wrist and IP54 body (IP65 optional). Cables and utilities are routed through its hollow arm structure eliminating cable interference.

All three models feature easy maintenance, including a data saving feature that permits the robot's wire harness to be replaced without having to connect it to a battery. All models can be floor-, ceiling- or wall-mounted.

These GP models are compatible with the standard teach pendant or the Smart Pendant, as well as Yaskawa's YRC1000 controller or the ultra-compact, yet powerful, YRC1000 micro controller, which can be installed vertically, horizontally or mounted in a standard 19" equipment rack.

For more information contact:

Yaskawa America, Inc.

Motoman Robotics Division

100 Automation Way

Miamisburg, OH 45342


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