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Polygonal Shank Toolholders Offer Increased Versatility

Lyndex-Nikken Polygonal Shank Toolholders offer increased stability and versatility in machining.

Lyndex-Nikken offers Polygonal Shank Toolholders for increased stability and versatility in machining. Polygonal Shank Toolholders have a standardized interface as per ISO 26623, enabling high stability and a rigid connection between the tool and machine. They are designed for all processes in both turning and milling.

The Polygon Shank Coupling (PSC) interface features a tapered polygon that serves as a main element in torque transmitting, centering and clamping. With double contact on both face and taper, as well as great cross-sectional strength, this interface offers enhanced clamping force and bending stiffness.

"The combination of these properties gives the PSC interface a clear advantage over HSK and 7/24 tapers with about 2x better bending and torsional characteristics," said a company spokesperson. "This translates into greater process stability, higher productivity and lower costs."

Used in both standard turning centers and hybrid mill-turn machines, PSC turning toolholders enable a fast tool change for reduced downtime and increased productivity. Additionally, direct high-pressure coolant nozzles increase tool life with higher feeds and speeds. This enables more time making chips and less time in unwanted stops.

Lyndex-Nikken Polygonal Shank Toolholders are available in five sizes, flange diameters: 32-40-50-63-80 mm (sizes C3-C4-C5-C6-C8).

For more information contact:

Lyndex-Nikken, Inc.

1468 Armour Blvd.

Mudelein, IL 60060

847-367-4800 / 847-367-4815

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