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TRUMPF Inc. Names Product Manager for TruPunch and TruMatic Products

Roger Michaud

Roger Michaud has been named Product Manager for the TruPunch Products at TRUMPF Inc. Michaud succeeds Brian Welz who has accepted the position of Direct Sales Manager for Machine Tools in the State of Florida. He will report directly to Burke Doar, Senior Vice President of TRUMPF Inc., while Welz will report directly to Stefan Fickenscher, Sales Director of the Machine Tool division in the U.S.

Michaud began his career at TRUMPF as a material handler in 2004. During this time, he also began TRUMPF's two-year Laser Engineer Apprenticeship which he completed in 2006. Additionally, he has worked as a machine mechanic, a laser service engineer, a training engineer and technical supervisor. Most recently he was product support manager for technical services, which he began in 2013.

In his new role, Michaud will oversee the day-to-day activities of the in-house sales engineer and applications teams for the TruPunch and TruMatic products. He will also provide customers with technical expertise to help ensure their TruPunch and TruMatic products are utilized optimally.

For more information contact:


Farmington Industrial Park

111 Hyde Road

Farmington, CT 06032


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