Augmented reality (AR), original welding torches and the housing of a real welding system create a realistic welding experience.

The didactic concept enables trainee welders to deepen their knowledge while developing their practical skills.

At the heart of the lifelike representation are the new virtual glasses, which cause the simulated welding sequence to appear in the real-life environment due to augmented reality (AR).

The multipurpose configuration supports various welding positions, materials and material thicknesses. The package includes standard workpieces and a stand.
Using the newly available Welducation Simulator, welders can learn, train and consolidate their welding skills step-by-step under realistic conditions without any risk to safety and with no additional costs for materials, gases or wear parts. The new augmented reality glasses make the entire welding experience realistic, while the Welducation Campus rounds off the entire training package by teaching the theoretical aspects of welding.
Virtual training with the Welducation Simulator can simulate complex processes and tricky situations in a risk-free and cost-effective way, and repeat them time and again without wasting resources. With these exercises, beginners can improve their welding skills in a safe environment and learn directly from their mistakes, preparing them for welding on a real seam.
With the latest welding simulator, Fronius is for the first time not only focusing on virtual reality (VR), but also on augmented reality (AR). Another concept mentioned in this context is extended reality. This technique is characterized by the insertion of digital elements into the real world-be it on a screen or on a pair of glasses-directly in front of the viewer's eyes. Employing AR technology and using original welding torches, hose packs and the housing of a real Fronius welding system creates a genuine welding experience. Trainees can use the Welducation Simulator to practice three processes: manual arc welding, MIG/MAG and TIG. They do this while using various materials (steel, stainless steel and aluminum), material thicknesses and welding positions in the welding simulation.
Common practice workpieces and adjustable welding parameters complete the realistic conditions, because the training is not only about achieving the perfect weld: as with a welding challenge in the real world, it is also necessary to complete tasks before, between and after joining. This includes such activities as installing the return lead cable, setting the correct welding parameters and retrofitting the electrode. The tablet with the simulator shows the standard interface of a Fronius welding system so that participants can become familiar with using real welding systems.
The Welducation Simulator offers a protected virtual environment in which trainee welders are not exposed to any risks or pollutants. This means they can have fun learning to weld before creating their first weld in the real world.
Virtual welder training is more efficient and resource-conserving than conventional training. Expensive consumables, such as metal, wire and shielding gas, are not required, and the bulk of the component training can be done on the simulator. The arc time achieved by trainee welders is as much as 65% higher. As the workflow between welds on the simulator is very simple, up to three times as many welding tests can be carried out on the simulator in the same amount of time they would take in the welding cabin, saving resources, costs and time.
Each welding task requires different techniques and manual skills. The stand supplied with the Welducation Simulator offers a variety of options for attaching various workpieces in different positions. An additional large stand is available to provide even more variation. Whether an overhead fillet weld or a single-V butt weld, participants can practice nearly any welding position.
Virtual training offers three difficulty levels: easy, medium and difficult. For example, beginners with no prior knowledge receive plenty of assistance, while experienced users have to form their weld without any visual feedback on distance, angle of the welding torch or speed. In addition, wide-ranging analyses help trainees improve their technique and identify mistakes. All welds can be recorded and recalled at any time.
With its integrated Welducation Campus platform, the simulator provides a complete teaching concept comprising theory and practical training units. Trainee welders can also acquire knowledge and skills on their own with the help of courses, rather than requiring continual guidance from instructors.
The training tool manages the results and learning progress, but there is also room for personalized learning, as instructors can make their own theoretical material available in the campus if they wish. By spurring one another on and being assessed professionally, trainee welders learn quickly and effectively. The sophisticated assessment system delivers an objective and verifiable result, while the ranking of their own welding performance encourages trainee welders to realize their full potential.
For more information contact:
Fronius USA LLC
6797 Fronius Drive
Portage, IN 46368