Versatile Multi-Purpose Band Saw Blades
February 1, 2022
The L.S. Starrett Company offers the newly positioned Intenss Bi-Metal Band Saw Blades for general purpose metal sawing of a wide range of materials and shapes.
"Featuring a patented process developed by Starrett called bi-metal unique technology, which provides 170% more weld contact with the teeth, Intenss blades exhibit superior resistance to tooth strippage, reducing fracture and breakage and enabling long blade life," said a company spokesperson. "Performance is further enhanced by M-42 teeth with a multi-edge tooth design that produces split chips for faster cutting."
"Starrett Intenss is an affordable workhorse blade for general sawing in toolrooms, maintenance shops and fabricating or machine shop applications where one blade cutting a wide range of common materials with different shapes is needed," said Jordan Schimel, Starrett Product Manager-Saws & Hand Tools. "In addition, bi-metal unique promotes long blade life, so fewer blade changes are required."
Starrett Intenss Bi-Metal Blades with bi-metal unique are available in 1/2", 3/4" and 1" widths and .025" and .035" thicknesses. Blades in 1-1/4" or 1-1/2" widths and .035" and .042" thicknesses are available without the bi-metal unique feature. Intenss blades are offered in pitches of 10, 14 or 18 and 2-3, 3-4, 4-6 and 5-8 variable pitches. Coil lengths are available in 100' (30 m), 150' (45 m) or 250' (75 m), depending on blade widths.
Starrett Intenss blades are available in stock at Starrett industrial distributors or can be ordered on www.starrett.com.
For more information contact:
The L.S. Starrett Company
121 Crescent St.
Athol, MA 01331
888-674-7443 / 978-249-3551
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