Universal Compliance Compensator
July 1, 2018
ATI Industrial Automation's new U1-050 universal compliance compensator (UCC) combines a variety of features to achieve a high level of adaptability in tasks such as automated assembly, bin picking, loading and unloading machines, robotic finishing and more.
The U1-050 UCC complies in many directions to overcome misalignment between the tool and the workpiece. The patented mechanism is suitable for demanding high-endurance applications and offers simultaneous X-Y lateral compliance, X-Y-Z axis rotation and Z compression. The pressurized internal reset piston returns the device to a repeatable center.
The stiffness can be tuned for specific payloads by varying the pneumatic pressure, which makes the device extremely versatile. ATI's UCC can be configured for either a PNP or NPN compliance sensor and has an option for environmental protection if it is needed. The UCC comes with a standard 50 mm ISO mounting pattern which, in many cases, eliminates the need for interface plates.
For more information contact:
ATI Industrial Automation
1031 Goodworth Dr.
Apex, NC 27539
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