Half Mask Respiratory Protection
July 1, 2017
Scott Safety has introduced the new AVIVA half mask. "The low-profile head harness offers greater stability and compatibility with safety helmets and eye protection," said a company spokesperson. "Workers will enjoy the comfort that comes from the AVIVA half mask."
The half mask is silicone-free but designed with silicone-like comfort. AVIVA offers a reflex seal that allows the wearer added movement and flexibility, and a positive fit check button built into the device for a secure fit of the half mask. Enhanced voice intelligibility enables the wearer to be clearly heard by those around, ensuring clear lines of communication. The AVIVA half mask is available for use with a wide range of filters, permitting use of the device in a variety of applications and industrial situations, such as manufacturing and welding.
"This is an easy-to-use mask that provides complete respiratory protection, low breathing resistance and increased comfort and fit," said the spokesperson. The AVIVA half mask is available in small, medium and large sizes and a variety of packaging types, including readypak options for specific applications.
For more information contact:
Scott Safety
4320 Goldmine Road
Monroe, NC 28110
800-247-7257 / 704-291-8300
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