Advanced Core Concepts Announces Partnership with Keystone Synergistic Enterprises
June 1, 2018
Advanced Core Concepts (ACC) has announced an investment and partnership with Keystone Synergistic Enterprises (Keystone), a Florida-based additive manufacturing and metallurgical services firm. Keystone specializes in aerospace and defense alloys and manufacturing to include large format additive manufacturing (AM), friction stir welding and metal joining methods. The ACC investment and partnership enables Keystone to further qualify and commercialize the key technologies developed and matured through its R&D over the last 15 years. With ACC, Keystone will accelerate and broaden its ability to manufacture production hardware and serve customers throughout the product life cycle - from technology development through production and aftermarket service.
The partnership enables ACC to strengthen its position as a small business provider of technical services while also serving its customers' increasing needs for sustainment to include repair and replacement hardware and the manufacture of complex high performance components such as rocket engine nozzles. Headquartered in Warner Robins, GA with an additional corporate office in Torrance, CA, ACC will provide capabilities and infrastructure to support Keystone's growth and development. ACC employs over 260 personnel and has a national presence supporting programs within the aerospace and broader national security sectors.
Trase Travers, CEO of ACC stated, "In Keystone, we have a partner with strong capabilities in large format AM for aerospace and defense applications. One of Keystone's strengths is the development of a robust modular equipment AM approach able to be containerized and deployed for in-the-field use - a great feature for our defense customers. Additionally, Keystone's ability to sense and control the deposition process for a multitude of advanced alloys creates products of unparalleled material quality that, unlike other 3-D printing methods, can be applied for all aerospace use cases. We look forward to working with Ray and Bryant Walker and Keystone's talented team to grow both companies and provide exceptional services and products to our customers."
"Keystone is pleased to partner with ACC," added Bryant Walker, President of Keystone. The partnership's combined resources enable Keystone to commercialize our technologies, adding critical manufacturing capacity and infrastructure to meet production demands."
For more information contact:
Keystone Synergistic Enterprises
664 NW Enterprise Dr., Ste. 118
Port St. Lucie, FL 34986
Advanced Core Concepts
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