CyRT Ball Bearings
April 1, 2018
CyTec Systems offers high dynamic precision axial/radial bearings for high loads and rigidity. The in-house developed CyRT bearings are designed for applications in rotary tables and milling heads.
The bearings are offered with or without measuring systems. Depending on the application, absolute or incremental measuring systems are available, i.e., either RCN series or AMO series with one measuring head (standard) or two measuring heads (option, for extended resolution and accuracy).
CyRT bearing features include:
- High positioning accuracy
- Minimized cycle times by means of high precision measuring systems
- Free positioning by means of high precision measuring systems
- Maintenance free by means of direct drives (no gear backlash)
- High stability and rigidity against axial forces
- Options for rotary tables: integrated media transmission through rotary union (option: special flat constructional design; pallet zero-point exchange system; and absolute or incremental measuring system).
For more information contact:
CyTec Systems USA
833-CYTECUS (298-3287)
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