Compact 4/5-Axis Milling Machine
April 1, 2018
KERN Precision, Inc. has introduced the KERN MicroPro - an ultra-compact (footprint of less than 45 sq. ft.), versatile, high precision 4/5-axis milling machine with a generous work envelope.
Designed for production and productivity, the KERN MicroPro is powered by an HSK40 spindle with feed ranges up to 1,181 IPM and 42,000 RPM.
KERN combined a workpiece changer and tool changer into the tool cabinet in the machine. The end user can utilize all 209 toolholders or a combination of 102 toolholders. The integrated workpiece changer can hold 30 Erowa or 3R pallets. These 30 pallets in the internal workpiece changer enable unmanned lights out production. It is possible to extend the capacity with an additional external workpiece changer. Another space saver is the unified Heidenhain TNC640 control that aligns directly with the machine.
KERN's Ultra High Performance (UHP) UniCore Machine Platform is thermosymmetrically designed. Engineered with enhanced dampening capability to absorb vibrations, the UHP UniCore platform enables high machine stability. The UniCore platform optimizes flow through with the elimination of interfaces, making it easier to clean and maintain.
"KERN's focus on serial production of complex and high precision parts can be seen throughout the engineering and components incorporated into the KERN MicroPro," said a company spokesperson. "The HSK40 spindle provides enhanced precision and high chip removal rates to enable high production and quality surface finishes. Fully integrated 4th and 5th axes provide a powerful and dynamic system for true 5-axis machining."
The KERN MicroPro can be configured for individual processes for industries such as mold and die or medical applications such as implants.
For more information contact:
KERN Precision, Inc.
1010 W Fullerton Ave.
Addison, IL 60101
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