Forest City Gear Expands Cylindrical Gear Grinding Capacity
July 1, 2023
Forest City Gear has expanded its capacity for the grinding of high precision internal and external gears with the addition of two Kellenberger K100 cylindrical grinders.
These machines will support the growing capabilities Forest City Gear offers customers with complex outside diameter (OD) and inside diameter (ID) grinding requirements. The first machine is a Universal capacity, with ID capability utilizing 1,000 mm capacity between centers for longer shafts or deep ID requirements. The Universal machine also has non-round grinding capability, making it suited for grinding hexagonal and square gears as well with micron accuracy.
The second machine, 600 mm between centers, is focused on cylindrical OD grinding. Both machines are fully equipped with auto part sizing equipment, active and passive flagging and roll dressing capability.
"With the addition of these two machines, we are looking forward to having the capacity to improve throughput and efficiency," said Jared Lyford, Director of Operations. "Forest City Gear is dedicated to investing in the best equipment with the most capabilities available, to consistently offer more value to our customers."
For more information contact:
Forest City Gear
11715 Main Street
Roscoe, IL 61073
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