Onsrud is nearing completion on a 55,000 sq. ft. factory expansion in North Carolina. Pictured are a few of the 5-axis machines C.R. Onsrud produces.
C.R. Onsrud offers a range of 5-axis machinery developed with ANSYSFEA software to provide rigidity.
The 5-Axis S Series by C.R. Onsrud is designed for demanding applications requiring the rigidity of a fixed bridge with the speed and accuracy of a ball screw driven moving table design. It is designed for trimming composite, machining thermoformed or fiberglass parts, mold making and other applications requiring fast, accurate contouring.
The 5-Axis Extreme Series provides the next level in productivity for pendulum processing. Twin table design allows greater throughput by eliminating load and unload from cycle times while allowing the flexibility of electronically syncing tables to accommodate larger parts. For greater productivity C.R. Onsrud offers Dual Process (dual spindle) capability allowing the machining of two completely different parts simultaneously within the footprint of one machine. For higher production jobs, both spindles may be electronically synchronized for machining two identical parts at the same time.
For companies that machine heavy wall extrusion, the 5-Axis X Series provides full five-sided machining of bars and extrusions. A fully programmable servo positioning clamping system eliminates traditional set-up times for short runs. An optional large capacity saw blade is available for cutoff, miter and notching operations. The modular base design allows an array of lengths for longer parts or pendulum processing.
The Compact High Rail Series offers a large machining envelope and high load capacity for larger parts. Internally reinforced, this machine bed is engineered to handle extreme weights of large raw materials. The massive moving bridge provides over three feet of bearing spacing, producing substantial leverage and power for cutting parts. Stationary support walls and dual ball screw drive mechanisms deliver smooth, fast, precise and back-lash free motion of the bridge. The roomy cutting envelope offers internal perimeter walkways and optional retractable roof bellows for easy access to material loading and part unloading.
"The 5-Axis Hybrid Mill is a fully enclosed, 5-axis machining center consistently delivering finished parts meeting the stringent requirements of aerospace, defense, automotive and other fine-tolerance industries," said a company spokesperson. This twin-table CNC platform comes ready for pendulum processing, synced-table operation for large parts or (optional) dual process configuration (technology to machine independent programs on each table simultaneously) for maximum machining flexibility.
The C.R. Onsrud High Rail Gantry Series CNC machining center is designed for the advanced materials industry and features a very large working envelope. "Manufacturers producing high-precision, large and/or awkwardly shaped components (of non-ferrous, light ferrous or advanced composite materials) will find we offer our largest variety of options, sizes, upgrades and machining possibilities on this flexible platform. Finite Element Analysis used extensively throughout the process ensure tight tolerance requirement," said the spokesperson. The High Rail Gantry is engineered and built to order.
Onsrud engineers and builds tailor-made machinery at its manufacturing facility in Troutman, NC, where a new 55,000 sq. ft. expansion is nearing completion.
For more information contact:
C.R. Onsrud
120 Technology Drive
P.O. Box 419
Troutman, NC 28166
800-638-8185 / 704-508-7000