Laser Metal Deposition Technology Enables NASA Rocket Nozzle Demonstrator Development
January 1, 2018
Formalloy, LLC has delivered the latest nozzle demonstrator to NASA-Marshall, as part of a series of R&D projects to assist the space agency's additive development efforts. NASA completed tensile and quality testing on Formalloy-printed samples built on the company's A-222 machine model. With virtually no material porosity and sufficient tensile strength, NASA is continuing R&D feasibility studies with Formalloy.
Additive manufacturing (AM) is being used to reduce weight, build time and material cost when producing high value parts such as rocket engine components. Formalloy's AM machines, which utilize laser metal deposition technology, can scale from build volumes in millimeters to meters. "NASA is leveraging Formalloy's laser metal deposition technology for development and feasibility studies to investigate scalability of AM for large, high value components. Laser metal deposition technology is being explored as an alternative to powder bed technology for key components such as rocket nozzles," said Paul Gradl, NASA Senior Propulsion Engineer.
Headquartered in San Diego, CA, Formalloy is an advanced manufacturing technology company that is principally engaged in the design, research, development, manufacture and integration of AM systems, products and services. Formalloy's laser metal deposition process provides an innovative, cost-effective solution for 3-D metal part production, repair and coatings to a diverse set of industries.
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2810 Via Orange Way, Suite A
Spring Valley, CA 91978
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