Forest City Gear Attains Level 2 CMMC 2.0 Compliance
December 1, 2023
Forest City Gear (FCG), a manufacturer of fine- and medium-pitch custom gears, has updated its technology infrastructure and policies in compliance with Level 2 Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0. The CMMC program ensures the protection of federal contract information and controlled unclassified information for suppliers within the U.S. Department of Defense's supply chain. Through self-assessments aligned with NIST SP 800.171, Forest City Gear policies have proven to meet the 110 practices required for CMMC 2.0 compliance.
Forest City Gear's leadership team set a strategic goal in 2022 to become an early adopter of CMMC 2.0. "Although CMMC 2.0 certification is not yet a requirement for companies in our position in the supply chain, we recognize the importance of proactively dedicating time and resources to reinforcing our technology infrastructure and security policies," said Jared Lyford, Director of Operations. "With the 19 new policies and procedures we have implemented, FCG has reached Level 2 compliance before certification even becomes available for prime contractors."
For more information contact:
Forest City Gear
11715 Main Street
Roscoe, IL 61073
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