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November 2018

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Digital Connected Paint Atomizer
Grinding Deburring and Polishing Robotic Cell
Protective Black Finish for Small Quantities of Metal Parts
Clamp Bore Grinders Series
Surface Grinders Series Offers In-Machine Dynamic Balancing
Right Angle Grinders
Laser Ablation Systems Capability
Flap Discs for All Metals
Aqueous Parts Cleaning System
Stainless Steel Air Jets Resist Corrosion and Heat
Rust Inhibitor Passes All Tests at the Welder Training and Testing Institute
CNC Grinding Solutions
Disc Brushes Enable Automated Finishing in CNC Machines or Robot Cells
Advanced Technology for Precision Cleaning Applications
Flexible Microfinisher Saves Cycle Time Improves Part Quality
Electrovert Inline Cleaning Solution
Abrasive Chop Saw
Large Gear Grinding Machine
Air Blow-Off and Parts Drying Systems
Component Cleaning System
18V Large Angle Grinder
CNC Centerless Grinding Machines
Pneumatic Die Grinder Enables Ergonomic High-Efficiency Grinding
Ultrasonic Agitation Flow Cleaner for 3-D Market
Stringer Bead Wire Brushes
Economical 6 x 12 Bench Surface Grinder
Universal CNC I.D.O.D. Grinder
Thin Cut-Off Wheels Offer Cleaner Cuts on a Wide Range of Materials
Ceramic Grinding Technology
FC-350EX and FC-350W Wheel Truing and Dressing Machines
Engineering Advancements in Industrial Cleaning Applications
Getting a Handle on Extraneous Rust
Universal I.D. and O.D. Grinders
Carbide Insert Grinding Solution
Wet Blast System Boosts Productivity
Heavy-Duty Ironman Grinders
Expanded Resin Fiber Disc Optimizes Grinding Time and Cut Rates
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Stainless Steel Air Jets Resist Corrosion and Heat

EXAIR's 303SS air jets are designed to provide reliable and efficient blowoff and cleaning within corrosive, high temperature or wash down environments. These 1/8 NPT stainless steel air jets replace open tubes and pipe nipples on parts cleaning, drying and cooling operations. With temperature rated up to 400 °F, they will produce up to 1.25 lbs. of force upon the target.

Available in two styles, the high velocity air jet provides maximum force with a confined and directed airstream. The adjustable air jet style allows the user to easily control the air upon a target with its micrometer air gap indicator. EXAIR air jets utilize the Coanda effect to pull in the surrounding ambient air and increase the total volume of air impacting the target area. Both the outlet and inlet can be ducted for remote positioning.

Air jets require a small amount of compressed air, which can be less than half that of open air lines in a plant. Typical noise level reductions are 8-10 dBA. Stainless steel air jets complement EXAIR's complete line of engineered air nozzles that reduce energy use and noise levels while increasing safety. All EXAIR air jets and nozzles meet OSHA static pressure requirements and CE safety standards.

For more information contact:

EXAIR Corporation

11510 Goldcoast Dr.

Cincinnati, OH 45249-1621


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