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Yaskawa Webinar: Discover Unlimited Possibilities of Linear Motion for Robotic Automation

Learn how to put application ideas into motion with Yaskawa’s flexible and modular standard product range. From floor-mounted tracks to gantry portal systems, a variety of versatile solutions exist to facilitate reliable and efficient linear motion for greater productivity.


Whether a specific task needs a pre-engineered high velocity track or a more customized solution is required, innovative technologies are bringing highly relevant applications to the production floor.


Register to join Yaskawa’s linear motion expert, Carl-Johan Hallengren, as he shares about the technical options available that can help your operations thrive. From learning about how to maximize robot reach to facilitating a track extension, the unlimited possibilities of linear motion will be discussed.


Topic Highlights:

·       Quick linear motion overview

·       Brief solution offerings summary

·       Module design strategy discussion

·       Track troubleshooting tips

·       Maximizing robot reach

·       Facilitating track lubrication

·       Extending currently installed track

·       Etc.

·       Interactive Q&A discussion


Who Should Attend:

·       Robot Integrators / Robotic Workcell Designers / Purchasers

·       Company Leaders - Presidents / Vice Presidents / Etc.

·       Sales Engineers / Lead Engineers / Process Engineers

·       Manufacturing Managers / Operations Managers / Project Managers / Etc.

·       Anyone else looking to optimize operations with track-based robotic solutions


About the Presenter:

Carl-Johan Hallengren is the Application & Solutions Manager for Yaskawa EMEA, located at Yaskawa Nordic AB in Sweden. With 21 years of experience within the Yaskawa organization, he uses his extensive knowledge to standardize the Yaskawa product portfolio, as well as finding customized solutions for the global market.


Webinar Details:

Date: Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Time: 2 PM ET






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